Today was a great day in Uganda! We stayed up WAY too late last night (well at least Bonnie, Jennifer, Haley and I did). But it is like a slumber party every night! We are having a blast! This morning I was able to walk with Alex to Hope Children's Home. All of the rest of the team (except for missionaries Stephanie and Alisa) rode in cars. We had a really great walk. We saw some type of stream (to put it nicely). In the stream was extremely dirty water (among other things). What amazed me about this stream was that there was the most beautiful flower growing right in the middle of the gunk. It reminds me that we are called to be in the world, yet not of the world. The flower was in the gunk, yet it wasn't gunk. God had made it beautiful. Man had made the gunk.
When we arrived at the Home, it was really hot outside. Then all of a sudden, the clouds covered the sky, and a powerful rain came. This was unexpected. The temperature seemed to drop almost instantly! Because of the rain, we were able to read books with the children. This was an amazing time. We were able to give them some individual attention. They rarely get individual attention. I read with Jeffrey. He is 11. He totally enjoyed reading to me the Dora the Explorer book. When he finished, he quickly went and got another Dora book to read to me. What a blessing he was to me today.
Later in the day I got the opportunity to help wash the clothes. The little girl who was washing the laundry was so good at it. She had her wash basin, and a bar of blue soap. Because of the rain, everything was pretty dirty. She and I washed the clothes in her basin. They use crazy amounts of the soap. I was laughed at really hard by the observing neighbor ladies, because they don't rub the clothes together when washing them, they rub the clothes on their wrists. After she washed her clothes really good, she put them in another wash basin with water. They were then washed again. After washing them really good again, they were put in another basin, and washed AGAIN! They then put the clothes into the rinse water, and they are perfectly clean! I was amazed. The little girl doing this was only about 6 years old! She never complained.
Since school was in session today at Hope (they have over 300 children who go to Alpha and Omega School on the property), we were able to see some of the little children eat their lunch. I saw 2 little boys sitting side by side. One of them had a plate of food. He would take food out of his bowl and give some to the little boy sitting beside him. They share everything! So sweet.
The Mama's are sweet to the children. The Head mistress at the school is great. The beds are clean, clean, clean. The food is good. The children are happy. The security guard is AMAZING! The pastor (who runs the home) genuinely loves the kids!!! Show Mercy LOVES the children! We love Show Mercy!
Thanks for praying for us!! We love you!
p.s. I love you Dustin, Danielle, Benji, Daisy, Ella, Rico, and Bear and of course BRIAN (the most amazing Dad on the planet!)
Go Benji with the OKC Storm! Win Nationals!!! Good Luck!
We are here in Missouri! We wish you were here. We love you!!!!
ReplyDeleteMiss you as well
Thanks for loving on the kids!!!! You ARE Show Mercy now and you ARE awesome!