Show Mercy Mission
Our Journey to Show Mercy in Uganda
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
God is Using this Blog
Here are some of the responses I've received from people reading this blog. Praise God for all He does!!! I never would've expected that He'd use a blog like this:
1) I read this blog... thank you for sharing with me. What a life-changing experience. I read with tears the stories of the children needing so much. I wouldn't be able to stand looking in their eyes...
2) PTL and thank you for sharing! God is so real and people just don't understand the scripture that HE is the same yesterday today and forever. I am a pastor and work for Quality Floor in Frontenac, KS this message is so timed I needed to hear this TODAY! many blessings and thank you again.
3) Amen! Praise God!
4) It's amazing what God will do if we only ask.
5) Awesome!!!
6) That is awesome....thank you so much for sharing. Bringing so many people to Christ has to feel so good. Congrats and thanks again!
7) We support you and your actions, stay safe spread the word... you are in our prayers.
8) I bet that was a very humbling experience.. I know God does pretty amazing things in peoples' lives and mine. I am glad they have people that go to teach them the word.
9) Thanks for sharing. Sounds like an amazing experience. Too often in the North American culture are we caught up in business of being busy. I am the first to admit this. We need more of these kinds of experiences in North America.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Matthew 19:14 (New International Version, ©2011)
14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
" In America, we have a problem. You see, there are parents who don't take good care of their children. There are parents who don't feed their children. There are parents who beat their children. There are parents who don't love their children. Uganda has the same problem. In America, if you don't take good care of your children, the government will take away your children, and give them to a family that will take good care of them. That is how I got all of my adopted children.
Romans 8:15-16a
James 1:27 (New International Version, ©2011)
27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
We are to take care of these orphans! We are to take care of the orphans in America, China, Guatemala, Japan, Haiti & everywhere else! It is not an option! As Christians, it is not a choice! We were orphans once too!
How is God calling you & me to care for these orphans? Not is He, but HOW IS HE? Because He is! No doubt about it. Is He calling you to adopt? He will provide the money it takes. He will provide the food. He will provide the space in your home. He will provide! Allow Him to be God, trust Him. You will be blessed!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
To my fellow bloggers....
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Day 1: post Uganda
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Can't Say Enough

One Last Lesson?
Just then, two little kids, carrying water jugs, walked up barefoot. The little girl was extremely malnourished and looked starving. Her legs were just like sticks. They were carrying heavy jugs across gravel with no shoes and not much to wear so that they could at least have water to drink. We gathered up our leftovers and gave them to them. They ate some and then carried the rest off.
What have I really learned on this mission trip? God taught me once more how ungrateful I can be. Note to self - shut up. be grateful. give more, praise God... repeat.
Monday, March 21, 2011
What I Miss
So today I'm choosing to think about the things I miss at home.
I miss Muzungu (white people) toilets. Although our hotel's bathrooms are extremely nice, most of the toilets when we're out and about are African toilets. (squatters)
I miss my washing machine (and Downy).
I miss heating and air conditioning.
I miss my family and friends.
I miss my bed, which doesn't have mosquito netting.
I miss electricity that doesn't go off at random times.
I miss stop signs and stoplights that mean something.
Hopefully we'll get one more chance to blog tonight before our flight leaves,
Part of me...
Hard Day
Before I left, the pastor came up to me and told me that she thought I should get a visa and stay here. I laughed and showed her pictures of my family that I'm coming home to and that I miss greatly. Before I got in the van to leave, she again came up to me and told me that I should stay here.
A big piece of me did. I will never be the same.
Happy Meal toys really make you Happy!
Today we went back to Hope Children's Home and played/loved on the kids some more! Our 'job' was to put the pillowcases that the kids had made earlier this week, on the pillows that the previous team had purchased for them. They worked so hard on their pillowcase. This is the first pillow that they have ever gotten.
Random Thoughts from Today
I've taught math to middle schoolers and young high school students for 15 years, so I jumped at the opportunity to sit in on a math lesson in the P-4 class. Their teacher was a young, enthusiastic man named Henry. After he taught the lesson, the students were writing down the problems from the board and solving them. Henry had 27 students in the class and it seemed a bit difficult for him to keep up with checking each kid's work. So, I got up from the chair I was observing from and began checking their work. The only problem is that I didn't have a red grading pen like Henry had. When I voiced this concern to Henry, he quickly went to the teacher's workroom to get me one. I felt like I actually contributed while I was grading. It was a lot of fun!
The Bredesens had us over for dinner tonight. They served us hamburgers, pasta salad, chips, delicious cucumber salad, pineapple, & a scrumptious chocolate cake. (Seriously, the thought of losing weight while here is COMPLETELY gone!) While we were together tonight, we all shared our favorites of this trip. Reliving all those great memories was amazing. It's hard to believe that the months of preparation have paid off and it's almost finished. I looked at Julie this evening and asked, "Do you think it's out of your system yet?" Neither one of us think it is. When I told Brad (my husband) this, I apologized. He said, "For what, serving God?" I LOVE that he gets it!!
Thanks for the prayers & love! Please pray for safe travels home for all of us,